B.I.D Canada’s Bulk Handling Solutions
Basic Industrial Design (BID) helps industry move what matters. Our expertise in the design and manufacturing of bulk material handling systems helps manage bulk material safely, efficiently and responsibly.
Learn more about our custom bulk material handling systems.
Babcock & Wilcox: 75MW Burgess Biomass Power Plant
Babcock & Wilcox is a multinational company based in the United States best known for manufacturing steam boilers and nuclear power systems. The company was in search of a bulk handling company that could supply a complete fuel handling package in the development of a new power plant for Burgess BioPower in Berlin, New Hampshire. Two ageing black-liquor recovery boiler systems needed to be updated so that they could be used to generate power for residential and industrial users in New Hampshire. BID Canada was tasked with the design, supply, manufacturing and delivery of a new woodyard fuel handling system for the 75MW biomass power plant.
McInnis Cement: Conveyor System Optimization
McInnis Cement is situated in the Gaspé region of Québec. The plant was built next to a large limestone deposit and an ocean port. Investors saw this plant’s unique features and 2.2 million metric tons annual production capacity as a significant opportunity to bring great economic benefit to the Gaspé area and the province of Quebec. BID Canada was approached by an engineering consulting firm to help optimize the mechanical design of the cement plant’s conveyor systems. BID and McInnis Cement needed to correct its conveyor systems operations in order to produce and deliver its high-performing Portland cement.
Potash Corporation: Potash and Salt Conveying System
Potash Corporation (now Nutrien) is a producer and distributor of potash, nitrogen and phosphate products for agricultural, industrial, and feed customers worldwide. PotashCorp operated their existing Penobsquis mine for many years, however they decided to develop a new nearby deposit they named Picadilly to replace the Penobsquis operation. BID Canada was tasked with handling the design and supply of conveyor belt systems that can efficiently convey materials throughout the mine.
Caribbean Cement Company Limited: Modular Conveyor System
Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCCL) is the sole manufacturer of high-quality Portland and blended cement in Kingston, Jamaica. The cement company benefits from its access to indigenous raw material (mineral deposits) and a natural harbour utilized for importing coal and exporting cement. CCCL announced its Kiln 5 expansion project to expand its production capacity. BID Canada was selected to supply material handling (conveyor) systems and associated structures for this project to help improve efficiency and environmental performance.